
Introduction to Aromatherapy
(1-7 hours)

Note: The introductory workshop can be tailored to an organization's needs in terms of duration and format.

The workshop provides an overview of the Aromatherapy discipline as well as safety issues and basic blending skills. It covers the 11 primary essential oils:

Lavender * Peppermint * Chamomile * Rosemary * Thyme * Eucalyptus * Clary Sage * Bergamot (citrus) * Tea Tree * Geranium Rose * and of course Rose oil.

This workshop is usually the first of the series of 4-5 workshops for certification and it provides a foundation sufficient for the cursory use of the above essential oils. It is designed as a 'stand-alone' class to accommodate the students who are not sure whether they are interested in more in-depth training. Students can determine afterwards whether they would like to continue for the full course for certification the next day or at a future date.

*1-7 Continuing Education (CEUs) offered to LMBTs. Credits for RNs pending.

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